Leader's in building restoration.


Brook specializes in all types of restoration projects including commercial, institutional and residential/condominium anywhere in Ontario. Our projects range from small scale to complex multiyear; Exterior Wall Repairs; Masonry and Stonework Repairs; Heritage Building Restoration; Parking Structure Rehabilitation; Weatherproofing and Moisture Protection; Balcony Concrete Rehabilitation & Railings Replacement; Window & Sealants Replacement; Specialty Repairs.

1240-1244 Donald Street, Ottawa



Repair concrete at 100% of the front edge and slab edge returns of the balcony slabs for the full depth of the slabs for a width of 10"

Perform top surface balcony slab repairs to repair areas of scaling or delamination

Paint all balcony and canopy soffits

Supply and install new balcony slab waterproofing system

Remove and dispose of existing railings and supply and install new aluminum flat panel railings

Mobilization/Demobilization, protection, special costs, rigging, scaffolding, swingstages, site storage, sanitary facilities, insurance and other overhead costs.